Saturday, September 20, 2008

Review: The Ten Year Nap, It's Aptly Named

It's aptly named, because it could put one to sleep. I decided to check this book out because it received a good review in Parenting magazine (and I had to get on the wait list at the library). It's a close look at some mothers who have decided to be stay-at-home moms and how it has affected their self-worth, relationships, their life in general. There is an interesting premise with the main character becoming strangely involved in a fellow mom's life. However, that storyline sort of fizzles out. Some characters are under-developed while others are way over-developed. By the time I realized it really wasn't so interesting, I felt like I was too far into the book to stop, but I would not recommend it. IMO, it was slow, and one would really have to be interested in some minutiae of the thoughts of mothers in NYC to enjoy it. Our next book club pick is The Wife by the same author (Meg Wolitzer), so I am hoping that one will be better.

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