That's right! We are expecting our third child this summer! Here are some pictures of the tummy, so feel free to make a guess as to whether it's a girl or boy.

For the record, before I had a child, I never thought I'd have more than two children, but things happen and perspectives change. I'm not quite halfway, and I have been very, very tired, much more so than with either of my previous pregnancies. I had a little nausea in the first two months (no nausea with my first two), but mostly this pregnancy has been similar to the first two except for the extreme tiredness, just generally not feeling so great, and I seem to be a lot hungrier (or maybe I just don't remember wanting to eat so much).
And, I won't make you wait too long to find out if it's little sister or brother as we go for an ultrasound Friday. H is hoping for a girl but says a little brother would be fun too. Of course, we are praying for 100% healthy, especially since we know what it's like to have a child with a medical problem. Speaking of that, I'm planning to publish a post this week called
About W which will explain our
youngest's condition (it's a lengthy post, but I wanted to be sure to give the full story).
So, vote in my little poll over there in the top right corner, and tell me what you think it's going to be!
Congratulations! I hope all goes well.
Hooray!! So glad this is finally out! I don't think my vote is really fair though. :)
Nevertheless, all the things you described (and have been describing) are very much like my pregnancy with A. And, please don't take this the wrong way, but I do think you are showing more and sooner than with H or W. Several people asked me the first half of my pregnancy if I was having twins because I was 'so big'. (Let's don't discuss stupid people...) I definitely gained more weight the first half or better than towards the end.
Other things...I couldn't get enough milk or orange juice. It was crazy! I was sick for 4 1/2 months and again at the end(but Momma was too, so not sure about that one). I was so tired I would fall asleep almost immediately, anytime. My vitamins made me sick, sick, sick. Blech. (Preggie Pops, I laugh in the face of you!) I felt faint, especially in the mornings...we talked about this one.
Yes, healthy is the most important thing, but it's still so exciting finding out about whether this little one is a boy or girl! Chris and I are so very happy for you and your family!! Can't wait to see you next week!
Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you and I'm looking forward to hearing more about this one, and your youngest.
Chris read your post at lunch. He thinks girl, but he says he doesn't believe in any of the 'signs' or wives tales. It's just his feeling.
(I voted for him, but I don't think it took!)
Congrats! That's awesome=) You look GREAT by the way! So excited for ya'll...
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