I read a lot of blogs, A LOT, but I don't comment often. Mostly because I'm using my iPhone which makes it a little harder, and I'm busy with three young ones. An Inch of Gray is one I am always checking in on. Anna often makes me laugh, and I can tell she struggles with a lot of things I struggle with myself. She is honest and open and funny.
When I got online Saturday morning, I just happened to see Kate had a post titled "Loss," and I was a little worried. I know Kate's mom has battled cancer. So I clicked over and read the tragic news that Anna's son was gone. First, I felt disbelief, I'd just read about their summer vacation, seen their first day of school pics. Then, the tears came. I told my husband what had happened, and he asked, "Now who is this?" I answered, "Anna, from An Inch of Gray blog, you know her husband in pre-marriage counseling noted that two things he wanted her to know were 1) I like clean counters and 2) I am not the enemy." My husband nodded. We'd laughed about that, it sounded like something he would've said to me.
So, no, I don't know Anna and her family IRL, but I feel that I know them In My Heart. So as Marinka noted in her post, I do not for a second think that the fact that [I] know Anna through “blogging only” diminishes [my mourning for her family] one whit. If you are reading this, please pray for her and her family, send them thoughts of peace.
You may visit Kate's site for a link up of posts for Anna and information about donation.
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