Glad to know that other moms get overwhelmed I'm not taking any medication, and I think I'll make it without needing something. However, I completely understand what she's saying. Read the comments, too! One of the first comments mentions how most moms today don't have the support that our grandmothers had. I hadn't really thought of that. Amen.
Christy said this:
I've decided/realized that getting out of the house on my own REALLY cheers me up, so I'm having sitters visit us more often, and it's good for everyone.
Amen, again.
You can read more of her wisdom here.

Despite having zero time to sew, I went on a mini-buying spree a couple of weeks ago buying three new patterns (one for a tunic for me:) I keep telling myself that one of these days very soon, I'm going to have a bit of time to sew. When I do, wouldn't these elephants be fun?
I've noticed I have a thing for elephant prints.

So, I'm still here, just having a hard time finding time to blog, clean, sew, and the like :) I'll try not to be a such a stranger around here.