In honor of a (hopefully fast) approaching Spring and St. Patrick's Day, I am putting a bit o' green on my blog. It seems that everyone is really ready for Spring this year. I keep reading on other blogs about those who are tired of cold weather. I for one am ready to be able to spend some time outdoors with the boys (although, considering our families' allergy issues, we may be driven back indoors pretty quickly once the weather warms). Still, it will be nice to not have to bundle up and be able to wear Croc knock-offs (no sock struggles :) and go to the museum, library, grocery, etc. without trying to keep everyone warm and worry about germs. (I know germs are still out there, particularly in Spring, but it does seem to get better as it warms up!)
I spent some time typing in all my Pampers Gifts to Grow On points this morning and should be receiving three $10.00 Macy's gift cards soon. I also have a promo-code to use for a free 11 by 14 photo collage through shutterfly! We are thinking of using pictures of the boys to make a "brotherly love" collage or the like. We'll see what we can pull together.
I've decided to give up something for Lent this year. I don't always do this, but I have in the past given up soft drinks and chocolate. This year, it's French fries. I don't eat tons of French fries anyway, but I do enjoy them when I do partake. I am wavering on Chik-fil-A fries, though. I don't really like them, but I usually eat a few if H's gets a kid's meal (to keep him from eating too many). So, I may allow myself to eat a few of his rather than throwing them out. I know this sounds like cheating, but I am not a big waffle fry fan at all, I promise. Now, Arby's curly fries, those are right up there with pound cake for me. I love those things...better not think about them too much! Is anyone else giving something up for Lent?
Check out My DIY Flyers Logo Hoodie
1 day ago
K - I love the new blog look!! So fresh and GREEN! :)
My mom just got my boys some croc-like shoes and I can't wait for the boys to wear them outside.
Love the green. I'm trying to quit fries too, but I admit I'm a total sucker for CFA! I just love the waffley ones.
I LOVE those Gifts to Grow rewards from Pampers. I usually spend them on $10 Starbucks cards, though. I didn't even know they had Macy's cards! I'm due to enter a ton of codes, so maybe I'll be eligible for something good.=)
I like the green for March.
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