Outside my window...the dogwoods are abloom along with the azaleas on the sunny side of the house (and there is a greenish-yellow film on the cars from all the pollen).
I am thinking... about colors to paint the walls in a little girl's room.
I am thankful for... friends who loan maternity clothes. One brought by two Rubbermaid boxes full this weekend. It's awesome to have a whole new wardrobe.
From the learning rooms... almost finished with Little House in the Big Woods. I wasn't sure if H would enjoy this, but, luckily, there are several bears, a panther, and a deer involved in some chapters.
From the kitchen... ha ha! Maybe this shouldn't be a part of my daybook entry.
I am wearing... white t-shirt and black yoga pants (pretty much still in my pj's).
I am creating... a schedule for this week of fun things to do with the boys.
I am going... to the museum with the boys later in the week, also to a doctor appointment, looking forward to sharing the news that it's a girl with one of my favorite midwives.
I am reading... The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson (It started out sort of dry, but it's getting better).
I am hoping... to get busy on some knitting projects this week.
I am hearing... the washing machine and two little boys playing, vroom vroom crash.
Around the house... we are being overrun with Rubbermaid boxes but mostly for good reasons, as mentioned above.
One of my favorite things... sewing things for the boys. I made this vest for H to wear on Easter. It turned out a bit smaller than anticipated (even though I decreased the seam allowances), but I still thought it looked nice. I have to add a button (that's why the pocket seems a bit far toward the side seam). You can get the pattern free from Leila and Ben here.

I love this entry. What a great idea...may have to steal! :)
Can I just say that you are so talented? I so wish I could sew! I love all the stuff you make and share with us. And what a fun blog post to read!
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