Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What's a Quarter of a Century Where Excitement is Concerned?

My husband and I just got word last Friday that H had the opportunity to attend kindergarten at a school that is at a nearby university. The program is excellent with national accreditation and not easy to get into without being a professor at the university or having attended yourself (yes, it's been in existence a long time). So after talking to the folks we know who have had children attend and going for a visit ourselves, we decided to enroll H. It's farther from home than the school he was going to attend and is more expensive, but we feel like it will be worth it and our younger children would have the opportunity to attend there in the future (there are programs for 3, 4, and 5 year olds).

We go later in the week for orientation where H will see his classroom and meet his teacher (he didn't go with us for the visit).

With all that said, we (C and I) are so excited! You'd think we were confident kindergarteners-to-be! Maybe because we saw the classroom and observed (from the observation room, yes they have one) or just because we really feel this is the right decision, but we are looking forward to orientation! I was feeling kind of silly and so told C "I know it's funny, but I'm excited about kindergarten." Imagine how tickled I was to hear him say, "I know, I am too!"

So whether you're five or thirty something, it seems learning is exciting!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How Tough Is It?

So I was asking my husband this weekend, how tough is it, this having a baby? I mean I know how tough the actual birthing part is, despite all that "you forget it" stuff, I remember my 8+ lb-er (W). Pretty vividly. What I mean is the no sleep, nursing part. C responded with, "Pretty tough." I continued about how I knew it really didn't get easier after a month or six weeks (like so many people tell you). It really takes more like three months to get into a groove (at least, for us, maybe we're slow compared to others). C looks at me and replies deadpan, "Let's just say, we may not want to have a fourth." I love my husband, love that he makes me laugh. I've been cracking up over that comment for days :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week o'Fun

The boys were out of school this past week, so I decided we should have a fun thing every day (I sort of didn't decide this until Monday, though). However, our fun needed to be indoor fun because the pollen is crazy (check out Tasha's post about it), all of us seem to have allergies, and I don't want to take a bunch of medicine with the little bambino. Now Monday's fun was just a visit from their grandma which isn't that out of the ordinary, but it's all I had to offer. Tuesday, we went to our local county museum which has a water table to teach about water pollution, how rivers were and are used for transport, etc. It was the hit of the museum visit, and the covered wagon toy that you used a barge to float across the river fit perfectly with our start of Little House on the Prairie. They could have played at that water table for hours. We took in a planetarium show while there, too. Wednesday, we went out for ice cream after supper with Daddy. Ice cream = fun. I had low fat but should have gone ahead and gotten a mix-in of Butterfinger (it would just have been a wee bit). Thursday was another museum trip recommended by Mel. This one had some bears to see (which H is really into right now), but the biggest attractions turned out to be a puppet theater where H could put on his own puppet show with two bear, an eagle and an otter puppets and for W, the fish tanks. Maybe a trip to a big aquarium will be on our vacation to-do one day. We ended the week with meeting Daddy for lunch on Friday.

It really was a fun week, and I am proud of myself for taking the little guys out on my own some. I even did my exercise DVD four out of the five weekdays (go me! and yes, I am getting a little worried about my weight gain). I really enjoyed not having to spend four mornings rushing around trying to get everyone ready for school, nagging everyone to get moving, feeling my blood pressure rise because we are late again. It's strange, but I almost think I might have gotten more done than during a school week. Maybe it was just more done around the house. Still, it reminds me of how I actually find school days harder than just keeping the children at home. I have been wondering whether I really want to send #3 to preschool at age 2. I know lots of children really enjoy and get a lot out of it, but it costs $$, it stresses me... Just not sure. H is to start kindergarten this fall (a very short time after my due date!), but I have thought some about homeschooling. I'm just not sure I could do it. Or maybe that we could do it. H is not the easiest child to direct, and I am not pro-active about anything social (you know, making sure he had interaction with others his age, sports, etc.) I read a great post about one woman's decision to homeschool that has me thinking. For now, though, I think we will plan to give kindergarten a try.

Romeo and Mae Sewing Patterns GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

Romeo and Mae Sewing Patterns GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

A chance at free patterns, nice!

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

On a blog I enjoy reading, Cheaper By the Half Dozen, these Daybook posts appear some days, and I really enjoy them. Sometimes, it's fun to have a peek into another's thoughts and schedule.

Outside my window...the dogwoods are abloom along with the azaleas on the sunny side of the house (and there is a greenish-yellow film on the cars from all the pollen).

I am thinking... about colors to paint the walls in a little girl's room.

I am thankful for... friends who loan maternity clothes. One brought by two Rubbermaid boxes full this weekend. It's awesome to have a whole new wardrobe.

From the learning rooms... almost finished with Little House in the Big Woods. I wasn't sure if H would enjoy this, but, luckily, there are several bears, a panther, and a deer involved in some chapters.

From the kitchen... ha ha! Maybe this shouldn't be a part of my daybook entry.

I am wearing... white t-shirt and black yoga pants (pretty much still in my pj's).

I am creating... a schedule for this week of fun things to do with the boys.

I am going... to the museum with the boys later in the week, also to a doctor appointment, looking forward to sharing the news that it's a girl with one of my favorite midwives.

I am reading... The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson (It started out sort of dry, but it's getting better).

I am hoping... to get busy on some knitting projects this week.

I am hearing... the washing machine and two little boys playing, vroom vroom crash.

Around the house... we are being overrun with Rubbermaid boxes but mostly for good reasons, as mentioned above.

One of my favorite things... sewing things for the boys. I made this vest for H to wear on Easter. It turned out a bit smaller than anticipated (even though I decreased the seam allowances), but I still thought it looked nice. I have to add a button (that's why the pocket seems a bit far toward the side seam). You can get the pattern free from Leila and Ben here.