Reading: Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson
Knitting: A gift for a little friend
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand is a wonderful book. It's one of those that is soothing to read but not at all boring. It keeps you interested but not preoccupied. I thoroughly enjoyed it (I've just recently finished) and highly recommend it. I don't believe you'll be disappointed.
There's much I'd love to write about, but, as usual, no time to chat! I will say, it's the last day of February, and I am very happy to see this month go. Come on Spring!
The color is such a nice deep red. Hope your friend likes it.
I'm totally in a red mood myself at the moment...love this deep red yarn.
Oh and I've just read your comments about keeping your house clean and tidy...I know exactly how you feel . Fortunately my husband used to always remind me that the housework will still be there when I'm gone!! But your little ones grow up so quickly...just like a wink...you'll have too much time for cleaning and tidying when they've grown up...enjoy your life with them...every little moment...
Have a great weekend.
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