Going to try to at least keep up weekly yarn along posts, with a bit of what I'm up to thrown in. Visit Ginny for lots of other yarn along fun.
Reading: The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall (and still reading Simplicity Parenting)
Knitting: (Again) Earflap Hat from Knitting For Baby by Melanie Falick & Kristin Nicholas
Starting over on the Earflap Hat for M as I have not been able to make it to my LYS to ask questions about shrinking this one. Not likely to make it there very soon as both of my boys have colds.
Not letting the colds get me down, February is here which means only 48 days until the first day of Spring according to my calendar. I even have a couple of yellow crocuses blooming in my yard now. Creep in, beautiful green Spring. I see you pushing the daffodils up, slowly now but surely.
Reading The Penderwicks after learning about the series at Thimblenest. It's a series for children about four sisters who've lost their mother to cancer and have a botanist father who quotes Latin. I've really enjoyed it. Sometimes I like to lose myself in children's books. The pace keeps my attention yet allows for the many breaks that are required when taking care of little ones. I also love to read about the busy play of childhood with days that stretch on forever with possibilities and no media intrudes with bad news. I don't know how many times I've read Elizabeth Enright's books about the Melendy children or the Little House series. They are comfort food for the mind and soul.
1 comment:
The Penerwicks are wonderful books and a series I haven't read in a long time now; I now need to pull them off the shelf!
I am still waiting on winter to arrive, we went from summer to spring!
Happy Yarn Along!
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