1) C and I are taking H to the circus, and I think we are as excited as he is (or maybe more since he's never been)! Do they still have the spinning blue flashlights?
2) H and W have really started playing together more. Now that W is more mobile they "chase" each other around with W occasionally saying, "Boo, boo, boo!" to scare H.
3) I took another knitting class this week and started my first project knitting in the round, which looks like this:

At least, this is how it looks on double point needles. There are circular needles which would look a little more round. It strikes me as very funny/ironic that knitting in the round looks like a square and a tic-tac-toe board!
4) W has been playing us some tunes on the piano in the evenings and is quite proud of himself.
5) H has been drawing on the dry erase side of his new easel. (We got him this easel because he doesn't have much interest in writing/drawing/coloring).
6) Tonight is the last night C will be home late due to working on an assignment for school (at least for this week)!
7) Seinfeld from 7-8 on our tv, thank you programmers, this mommy needs it.
8) Getting the news that my great friend, Aunt J, and her husband will most likely be visiting (from England) in late summer or early fall.
9) Finishing Peace Like a River (stay tuned for the review in February, I liked it) and starting to re-read Pride and Prejudice for my local library book club.
10) Dreaming about returning to college in a year and a bit to slowly work toward a degree in something I love.