If you're like me, and sometimes feel pressure to blog about certain topics or not go too deep in the darker areas, you need to read Amy's guest post over at Kate's The Big Piece of Cake. After reading it, I felt the need to say out loud, "Right on, sister!" Or should it have been "write on?" Anyway, do go read it if you have a few minutes. It's inspiring me to go ahead and publish those posts that were ruled "too depressing." The thing is, this should be an outlet for me, correct? Not something I feel pressured about.
Also, I just spoke with another friend tonight who is ALSO pregnant (due in early August)! I think it's making C a little nervous :)
Chattahoochee Mama announces our next online-book-club book tomorrow! You know I can't wait to see what it will be! Check out her blog to join in!
Check out My DIY Flyers Logo Hoodie
1 day ago
I know what you mean. I've been holding back on a few posts myself, but have finally decided that I started this blog for friendship and advice and hopefully some encouragement along the way of this journey and therefore should allow myself to vent when and if I need to.
Poor C. He probably is getting a little nervous! :)
Amy always gets to the heart of things. I'm honored to have her words of wisdom on my site!
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