Okay, that's not the best picture, but it's all I've got. I am ashamed to admit that I had not sewn on it at all when I went in for my first mastery lesson with it (yes, you get six classes with the purchase of this brand). However, this past week, I put together what I am calling a burp cloth (it could be a "lovie") for Mel's little one. So, finally, I really sewed on it and made something. Hooray! I am still planning to stick to my plan to make pajamas for us all for 2009's Christmas morning. I did use flannel for the backing of the burp cloth, so that was my first experience sewing flannel. I'm not sure if our pajamas will be flannel... I need to make a trip to the great big fabric store soon to decide on some material. I hope this will prove to be a smart, useful purchase and not just a dust gatherer. Of course, my mom has already mentioned that now we could make some curtains to replace the deteriorating ones on my back door. (I'm not kidding, C and I are thinking of taking some pictures to send to HGTV in the hopes that they will come help us :) Oh, and I'm still wanting to choose a name for my gal (besides Bernina). She needs a name, any suggestions?
You tickle me! I was so there with you with the hemming and hawing though...that was a tough decision to make, but one I haven't regretted yet. My aunt told me at the shower this weekend that she has some patterns I can use to make Little One some pants! I can't wait to practice with those. And Chris has found me a pattern to make wool or fleece diaper covers, since Baby will be using cloth! I'm way stoked about trying that out. I can make them SO much cheaper than we can buy wool covers. I've been thinking about making curtains too, but haven't gotten there yet. I'm still working on a few projects for the in-laws.
Hmmm, how about Sarah for the sewing machine? ;)
Sarah!!! Ha ha ha ha!!
I think you should call him Bernie Mac!
The above anonymous comment is from my husband!
I so wish I could sew...
I seriously tried to think of a good name - but the fact that I'm so sewing-challenged is a little too intimidating.
OMG! Chris and I are rolling... Bernie Mac. That's good.
How about Bernie May or Nina May? C is silly; he knows machines are female!
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