Over the past three days, I've been living to a new mantra:
Let it roll off your back, like water off a duck. When I think it, I even give a little shimmy, like I am shaking that water right off. You see, Monday night, H was throwing a a stuffed puppy around, and it ended up under our bed. I was having to fish it out first with a coat hanger, then with the handle of a toilet bowl cleaner, and I got angry -um- mad, really pretty mad. I just let loose with a scream, and W burst into tears. I apologized to both boys, but I decided that is not enough. I have to make a serious commitment to letting some things go. Obviously, I wasn't angry about having to get the toy. I was upset that the night time routine had gotten screwed up. Still, who cares? How often does anything go perfectly? So, today, when W was throwing food off his high chair tray and dumping milk on the floor, C looks at me and says, "Are you quacking yet?" (obviously I'd told him all about my new mantra, had to explain my shimmy-
ing and all) And you know what? I am quacking pretty darn well. I still raise my voice, but I quickly remember to tell myself: shake it off, girl, water off a duck. Later today, we took the boys to a nearby walking park and fed a mother duck and her
ten adorable ducklings some bread, and I paid attention. I noticed those little ducklings didn't stick to momma like glue, but as soon as she quacked, they fell right in line. So, my plan is to try to speak more softly (most of the time), so that when I give a loud quack, I find all my ducks in a row!
K- Great post. I completely understand. When I look back at the times that I've lost it and shouted, I feel awful. Your mantra is a fantastic one. As the boys have gotten a little older, it's been easier not to raise my voice as much because I see how they copy everything I do and I'd hate for them to pick up the habit. I'm already battling the outside voice syndrome!!
Great 100th post! Chris and I both need to start now using your mantra. We are both fairly stubborn and can sometimes have a very short fuse. We're realizing that Arwen definitely has those traits too. We're in for a long, bumpy ride come the toddler years!! :)
It was so great catching up the other day! Sorry I kept you so long. Do let us know when everyone's well so we can stop by.
And by the way, I meant to tell you that I made Arwen's Easter basket! I will definitely change a few things about the pattern the next time I use it, but I was pretty excited about the finished product. I sewed her Easter eggs and little carrots too! Don't worry though, I had to do it late at night and between the oh-so-frequent crying fits. :)
Oh - I soooo understand this. I've had some serious bad mommy moments involving yelling. This is a great coping mechanism!
quack! quack! i love this idea.
Great reminder! I needed to hear it and I think I'll adopt this new mantra myself. Thanks for sharing and letting me know I"m not alone!
I love this. What a great mental picture. I'm totally going to steal it. "Are you quacking yet?" My boys will love it ;)
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