Still slow going (surprise, surprise), but I got a little done on the pants-along pants. You know I do like hanging clothes, etc. on trees; although, the wind was giving me some flack. Not complaining about a breeze in August, though.

I wish the legs were as slim as they appear. I'm a little concerned about them being baggy. Joanna at
Stardust Shoes has given directions for "butt darts," so I should be able to take the waist in if needed. However, not sure about how the legs will turn out. We shall see, we shall see.
Here's a close-up of the top-stitching on the inner seam. I completely stole the orange and brown color scheme from Joanna. The color is off. Must get C to take pictures of final product, so the colors will turn out more true.

Next up is front pockets which look like they require some fairly serious rotary cutting skills. May have to call C in for help!
Looking forward to a trip to the library today to pick up books for the boys as well as this Charlie and Lola DVD

Am I the only one starting to think about Christmas? In a totally-looking-forward-to-it, let's-decorate-the-tree-fun type of way? Maybe it has to do with my list :)
Butt darts? hehehe.
I think they're looking great already!
Lookin' good!
I like baggy pants sometimes...especially in that twill. I bet they feel yummy. I think if I try I'll use some linen. Linen pants and September breeze...Aaahhhhhh. :)
I was just looking at some Charlie and Lola books the other day! The bookstore has a set of them on sale so I was thinking of picking them up for A.
Do you use scissors for cutting?! I use my rotary cutter for EVERYTHING. Maybe I feel super compelled as I got suckered into paying such a mark up!! :)
Definitely nothing wrong with thinking ahead to Christmas. If I make it to July without a Charlie Brown Christmas reference I consider that a success. I need to start my list...I need months to revise it and get it just right. :)
I just picked up the new issue of Sew Stylish....they have a lot of info about darts!
feel super compelled as I got suckered into paying such a mark up!! :) Web hosting india
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