Actually, it's rainy, but I sometimes really enjoy a dark, rainy morning. It makes staying inside and sewing completely guilt-free. After dropping H off at school this morning, W and I came home to enjoy a snack that included hot chocolate for me, yum. Then I checked out a few of my favorite blogs and discovered that I have won something from
A Lil Welsh Rarebit,
woohoo! Sorry to have been missing around here for a bit. I've been sewing a pretty goodly amount (for me). Pictures to come of my projects soon. I was hoping to take some today, but the weather may push it back a day or two. I am also trying to adjust to our new schedule now that preschool is back in session. W is going a couple of mornings, so I have some time all to myself. But instead of feeling like I have more time, I try to squeeze all of my errands, grocery shopping and the like into that time which makes me feel busier. (If that makes sense at all). H is really learning a lot already. A few weekends ago he wrote the numbers 1 through 12 out on the dry erase easel, um, wow! Then, we talked about The Giving Tree by Shel
Silverstein. C and I are so excited to see and hear all that he is learning. W loves music time at school. He's a little dancer (he gets it honest, I boogie around the house often). And, W is now sleeping in his big boy bed! No more crib. Oh, and I've been reading too. Maybe I can do a book review of one that I absolutely loved. All of my reading has been for book clubs, promise.
This past weekend
Mel and family came for a visit. I was so excited to see them. I got to hold that little sweet girl of hers, and she is a darling, let me tell you. The boys entertained us all what with all the running through the living room and loud voices. Of course, I also got to show Mel some of my latest sewing projects and fabric purchases. We also continued work on the boys'
swing set this weekend. My mom came over to help watch the boys, so I could help C with the
swing set. We made some good progress, and H really stayed out with us most of the time. He is really, really into space shuttles right now. He watches clips on you tube as long as we let him. So, he sat in the "fort" part of the tree house and pretended it was a space shuttle while I did the countdown and acted as Mission Control. It was so fun for me too! I love to see his imagination in action! I always hoped I would be able to play with my children
and enjoy it, but I sometimes feel so busy. It was great to play. I sometimes forget how fun it is to pretend. Let's hope I always remember!