Can I call it a vintage dress if it's at least as old as me? I think I'm probably vintage by now.

Sometimes, being a pack rat pays off. I remember putting this dress on a doll named Mrs. Beasley (apparently from a TV show called A Family Affair, I don't remember the show, do remember the doll). Anyhow, it needs a little repair, but I love it! The picture is from my iPhone, so not the best quality. The main fabric is navy blue with tiny white polka dots.
Edited: I meant to explain that I think it was a cousin's or aunt's dress, that we later dressed the doll with. I think it's probably sized for a three year old.I am still in a flutter, adding to my crafts for baby girl list way too often! Hopefully, I'll have some more finished projects to post about soon. Just wanted to prove I'm still here!
I love this! Looks very Rainbow Brite-ish!! You said it was for a baby doll you had...was it a large doll? Are you going to give this old dress some love for your baby girl to wear?? That would so cool!
Sorry about that, I edited the post. I think it started out as someone's dress, and then we started dressing the doll in it after it was grown out of. So, yes, hoping little girl can wear it.
I love it! And it's absolutely vintage. Not sure how old something has to be though. I know "antique" is 100 years - but that's another one that's pretty loosely used...
So cute, and so vintage, for sure!
Ooh...I LOVE it!
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