We just love her.
Sorry it's taken so long to post, but I've been quite busy (diaper changes, breastfeeding, getting ready for H to start kindergarten, breastfeeding, celebrating W's third birthday, breastfeeding).
Quick version of the birth story: I woke at 3:30 AM with contractions, started timing and decided it was time to head to the hospital. Only 4cm when I got there, but contractions were steady every three minutes. After about an hour of pretty strong contractions, the midwife checked me again. I was 8cm!! Time to get ready to push. She arrived a little after 7:00 AM. It was not easy but at least it was fairly quick, and I'm glad I stuck with my natural birth plan. 7 lbs 10 oz! Happily, not too big :)
One more sweet pic.

What. A. Cutie! We can't wait to meet her in person!
Still in awe and more than a little jealous of your birth story. 4 to 8cm in an hour?!?! *sigh*
(agree on the baby comment, by the way)
Ooooh so cute! Congratulations! She's perfect and I'm so in awe that you did a natural delivery! Thank goodness it was quick! Congrats again and good luck getting some sleep!!!
congrats! she is beautiful :)
I am very late, but congratulations on her safe arrival! She is a beautiful baby.
Congratulations! So beautiful. :)
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