Going to try to
at least keep up weekly yarn along posts, with a bit of what I'm up to thrown in. Visit
Ginny for lots of other yarn along fun.
Reading: Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet and Simplicity Parenting
(Contemplating) Knitting:
This scarf for me
Last week's knitting project was found to be too big (again!) At least I didn't completely finish it
this time! I'm trying to decide whether I can somehow shrink it (I know nothing about blocking, etc.) or if I should just start over in a smaller size. Is there a place on
ravelry to get the low down on patterns (like do they run big? etc.)?
I also ran across
this scarf on
ravelry. Love that. If only I had that exact yarn in my stash... really should not buy more yarn... but what if the scarf used up the whole skein, then it wouldn't add to the stash... This is exactly how my rationalization works:)
I've been on a cinnamon toast kick (for myself). Making it the way my daddy did, yum. Savoring it while reading blogs alone during M's nap, so relaxing, BUT I really need to be working on paperwork/bill paying and sewing!
A first step on working to thrive and not just survive: prioritize to-do list or maybe throw the list away. There needs to be clearance (in my mind) for (sometimes) missing baby's nap and just going or doing what sounds fun. We have so much that needs to be done around the house, but it hasn't been done so far, so why spend time fretting about it? Fretting doesn't get it done, and it doesn't help me thrive. No fretting, okay? '