Today I went to a local consignment sale. The folks who put this one on also have one in the spring. I am always there for the clothes for the most part. One year I worked, so I could get a few items, and they had me moving pack and plays (those things are heavy)! Still, if you really want to get the good stuff that goes fast, working at or putting items in the sale is the way to go. I got H three button up shirts (one that I plan to use for the boys' Christmas picture), three pairs of jeans, khaki cords, navy blue cords, and some other pants! I spent around $50, not too bad! I know you all might be surprised I like to get things from consignment sales given my germ issues, but rest assured, the clothes are immediately washed and the clothes hangers are Lysoled! The button up is a great blue (although the picture light quality doesn't show it) and Nautica to boot (I could care less about name brands, but C thinks Nautica is good). Hooray for pictures! I love my iphone. Now, I don't have to know how to upload pictures from my camera, just use the iphone and email 'em to myself! I can tell I am getting to a certain age and time of my life as I ran into a couple of moms I know at the consignment sale (in the past I never recognized a soul).
C wants a book that is coming out soon and proposed an Amazon book order, so I am working on a list of books I want (should be able to get all of them used). I get so excited about ordering things. I am just like a child when I get something in the mail (that is not a bill or junk). You should see how excited I get about a magazine or thank you note! If you did, you'd know that a package is reason for real anticipation for me, and, if it's books, well, that's even better!
I am still on the hunt for some jeans and khakis. My friend SAW (who is a fashionista, the same age as me, but somehow seems much younger - no children or husband) has suggested Anthropology for khakis. Although, she is now a homeowner and also mentioned Target. I never can find time to try things on at Target. I am always rushing back home to relieve grandmother from baby-sitting. Also, I am an odd size. Meaning, the sizes at ON are even, and one size is too tight and the other I can pull off without unbuttoning! Craziness! I seriously must find jeans soon, can only wear the same pair so many times! So where do you buy jeans and/or khakis?
First, I have to know...did you post this from your iphone!? ;)
Chris and I both LURVE getting packages in the mail, especially books! OMG, Christmas is a mess at our house, as he is a total on-line shopper. (Not to mention that my wrapping is so beautiful because I can use the mailing packages for perfectly shaped gifts!) Thinking about Christmas gift wrapping makes me all warm and fuzzy! :)
Sounds like you did great at the sale! I'm still trying to find at least one consignment shop around here! Fatty is rapidly growing out of all her pants!! Never tried Anthropology; let me know if you try it. ON is a drag for me too. I can never find a fit that is comfortable. And Target is only a shirt place for me; they must get their sizing charts from ON.
No, I haven't tried posting from my iphone (although I have tried to edit a post and could not figure that out). I am the same way about wrapping Christmas gifts (the warm fuzzies) probably b/c I used to wrap gifts with my grandmother and loved it!
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