The BBC version of Pride and Prejudice is way better than the version with Keira Knightley (I did, in fact, rent it this past weekend). If you're wanting the movie to be like the book, you definitely want to watch the BBC version. I think I might be getting old. I watched the Keira Knightley version and thought, "what's with all these long, drawn-out, just looking at her or her face scenes?" I guess the cinematic devices are just not my cup of tea (maybe it's because I haven't seen a movie in a theater in years?) Also, what is up with the sound on DVDs of movies? Why is it always too loud or not loud enough? Maybe it's just our player or something, but I always have that problem.
This weekend, I was putting H's socks on and pulling them up so they would keep him warm.
H: Mommy, don't pull my socks up! (He's pushing them down toward his ankles).
Me: Well, I have to at least pull them up to get them over your heel.
H: Don't pull them over my heel.
Me: Do you even know what a heel is?
H: (pauses, blinks) No.
I just started laughing. I love his honesty.
This coming weekend is book club. We'll be discussing Loving Frank about the love affair between architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Mamah Cheney. It was a bit long, but boy did the ending surprise (particularly since I did not know anything beyond the fact that FLW was a famous architect). I am so looking forward to book club as I missed our last meeting due to W's surgery. So I haven't seen these girls in what feels like a looong time. I also get to car pool with one of my good friends to book club, so I'll get to catch up with her on the way there. She's kindly offered to drive, letting me have a glass of wine or two without worry :) What a gal!
Hoping to post some more soon! Still waiting on Mel's baby as far as I know!
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2 days ago
I watched the pride and prejudice on PBS and it was great. I'm not sure if that's the one you were talking about but we saw the first segment of it last year and really enjoyed it. We were flipping channels and just happened to catch the second one last week, HA!
It's not your player, it's the way the darn movies are set up. I hate the too loud/too soft transition. Ugh. And, I equally loathe the long stares and face shots that directors things are necessary in movies these days. Sheesh, get on with it already.
hahaha, heel schmeel...who needs a sock to cover those! That's too funny.
Totally agree about Pride & Prejudice.
And I have never heard of that book. I'm intrigued - think I'll have to read that one.
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