"The berries are red, so fall is on its way," says H. The mornings have been cool and even the days have been pleasant. Last weekend we set up a twin size bed in W's room, which meant figuring out where to put a full size headboard and footboard (I refuse to give them away). Luckily, we were able to fit it in W's closet along with a few other things that had been hiding underneath the full bed (i.e., my guitar--no, I can't play
now but one of these days, one. of. these. days.). Needless to say, it was an all day affair. Then, Tuesday, I tried to organize (okay, fold fairly neatly and put in a storage container) all the clothes W has outgrown. My mom was over, so I had some help watching the boys and organizing. Speaking of my mom, while re-organizing (again, using that word loosely) W's closet, I saw Mom's wedding gown (the one she wore when she married my dad). I may have to do a whole separate post on that. How it once was lost but finally found, how every time I see it, I am amazed (my great-grandmother
made it).
With the weather cooling, I find myself yearning to knit
even more. I have a few baby hats that I need to make for little ones who will be making their appearances this winter. I also feel that it would be nice if I knitted up some hats for my own little guys. As much as I look forward to Halloween and Christmas and the fun they bring, I feel like summer flew by before I had a chance to enjoy it as much as I'd like. Also, the kimono I
still need to sew for my friend's little girl (she's over a month old now, I am feeling bad), I picked vibrant summer colors (sky blue and a bright pink). I must get it made and delivered before September 22, or it is going to be completely out of season. Maybe this weekend, right? C will be home an extra day. I think I need to force myself to stay up late sewing. Sometimes, it's the only way to fly :)
Happy Labor Day Weekend! Enjoy!