Father's Day is bittersweet for me. I lost my beloved daddy four years ago just a few days after Father's Day. I miss him every day and am saddened that my children will not know him here (I pray that we will all be together one day in heaven). Recently, I've especially missed his advice and emotional strength. It would have been so nice to have my rock to lean on during W's diagnosis and surgery. I would also love to have him here to help with household decisions like home upkeep and to help me with our yard which is turning into a bit of a jungle complete with stinging and biting insects! More on that in a future post maybe. However, I enjoy thinking of Daddy on Father's Day and also spending the day with my husband and sons.
This year I did a couple of crafty things with the boys. I made some magnets with H's thumb print and W's toe print. We also decorated a magnetic picture frame with tool stickers. C also got some useful gifts: a sprinkler, sunflower seeds for planting (they're one of my favorites), and a Snickers (not useful but yummy). C's dad and younger sister came over for a visit, and later in the afternoon, C set up the camera and got a few pretty good pictures of the four of us. We also took some of C and the boys and me and the boys.
I always say I am going to take a couple of hours for myself on Father's Day to think about my dad or do something he liked, but it seems the hours fly by so fast. Last year, I did have some ice cream with caramel sauce (Daddy loved caramel sundaes from McDonald's). This year I had hoped to go the Y pool and read an essay he wrote as a senior in high school. Maybe one weekend before summer ends, I'll get to do that. (Just so you know, laying out at the pool is something I like but don't get to do nearly enough nowadays).
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