By guessing the number of pumpkin candies in this

I won these
at this month's MOPS meeting! It's a cute Halloween bowl filled with some candy, a candle holder, and a small pumpkin. I was so excited, because I actually used my Sid the Science Kid estimation skills to guess the number of pumpkin candies in the jar! C laughs at me, but I think I learn almost as much as H watching Sid and also Zula Patrol. We also tie-dyed shirts for our children and made a cute "build a pumpkin" game at MOPS. I'll try to post pictures of the shirts when I complete them (I need to add pumpkin eyes, nose, and mouth with fabric or fabric paint). The best part of MOPS (for me) is just talking to other moms and laughing and commiserating about some of our shared trials and joys. 
I spent most of Wednesday sewing at home on my old Kenmore (it was my grandmother's). I was making a little zip pouch, and it did not turn out so well. The zipper foot for this machine is not easy to use, and I had to keep re-setting the pressure on the presser foot to get the material to feed. I even took the presser foot to sewing class to ask the teacher. She looked at the zipper foot, mentioned it might be for an invisible zipper, and shook her head. I'm thinking that's not a good sign. I am thinking of asking my aunt to come over and give the Kenmore a test drive. She is an avid sewer and could give me an opinion. I am still trying to figure out exactly how old the machine is... I have the model and serial numbers but still haven't found an internet site to tell me the age. Anyway, I refuse to spend money on a new machine until I know I am going to stick with sewing. So, I am going to try to work on a tote here at home that doesn't have any zippers! (The Kenmore seems to do everything else pretty well without any "feeding" problems!) I did finish another purse at sewing class last night, but I don't have the button to sew on yet. I will post a picture when I get the button on there. My next project is pajama bottoms! Mel and I met up at a really big fabric store earlier in the week. Wow, it's a bit overwhelming to have so many fabrics to choose from (poor Mel, Indecisive could be my middle name), but so inspiring to see ALL those fabrics. Thanks for meeting me, Mel.
In other news, W and H got their flu shots today, C got his yesterday, and I have to find out when they are giving them at our family doctor so I can get mine! We are hoping to go an Apple Festival tomorrow, but H seems to be getting a cold. We'll have to see how everyone is feeling. Also, I know I am behind on blogging about the books I've read and need to do those. Last weekend, I helped host a couples shower for a dear friend who is getting married next month. It was fun and held very close to our house, so we weren't out too late. I forget how much I enjoy socializing :) C came home before me and told H I was helping clean up the club house where the shower was held. So, when I came in, H asked, "Mommy, did you have fun cleaning up the club?" He's keeping us hopping with questions about the Milky Way galaxy (see Zula Patrol above). W has his two top front teeth, two bottom front teeth, and his left eye tooth and now his molars are coming through on top and bottom. Is that crazy that he doesn't have all the other teeth in between? I can't believe I forgot to ask the doctor about the teeth when we got the flu shots! Wow, the boys have been great letting me type this. Of course, Super Why was on the telly ;)
My boys both love Sid (and I have to admit, I like it a little too!). My favorite is George but Sid does teach us more stuff!
I love that you won that great basked. What's MOPS?
BTW, it would be fun to meet you and Mel one day!
MOPS is Mothers of Preschoolers. It is Christian-based, but mostly (so far) it's just a group of women with preschool age children who are dealing with the same issues. We do different things at meetings (ours are monthly, some are bi-weekly) crafts, speakers (next month a pediatrician is coming to speak), service projects. They even have childcare available.
YES, it would be great to meet you.
I only got a head start on my indecisiveness, that's why I seemed so 'with it', if you'd even call my wandering about and babbling that. :)
That pumpkin basket is really cool! Congrats on the win. I bet H and W were super excited about that. Can't wait for shirt and B-A-P pics!
We're heading to momma's for a visit after my doc appointment tomorrow. I'm going to pick up her machine to use while trying to discover if I really have the talent for this sewing business. I really hope 'sew'! The fabric in the shop has my mind racing with clothing ideas for Baby!! I have faith that my inner creativity will blossom soon! :)
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