However, I really like changing up my blog layout,
a lot. I actually wanted something else, but when I followed the directions, it didn't work. Hmm, something for me to try another day. I'm taking W to the doctor tomorrow. He's still sniffly and ran a slight fever the other evening. It will make me feel better if nothing else. I'll try to really post tomorrow instead of playing blog decorator!
I like this layout! Very funky. Hope things go well at the doc!
So funny b/c it's called Funky Flowers!
Hi, I am glad you commented on my blog...I love knowing who is reading! Stop by and comment anytime!'s nice to find people who know what you have been through or are going through...sometimes I feel like my friends who haven't lost a parent get really tired of me talking about my dad....although they are always supportive! :)
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