I posted this last Christmas, but I enjoyed it so much, I'm re-posting. If you decide to do a Christmas Questions list, leave a comment so I can enjoy yours :)
1. Egg nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa just fills the stockings at our house; we don't put much emphasis on Santa. In fact, when W's PT asked H if Santa was going to bring him some presents, he replied, "Well, we wrap our presents." The reason for not emphasizing Santa is twofold. One, I want my children to focus on the true reason and spirit of Christmas. Two, I want them to know that Mommy and Daddy work hard so that they can get presents. If it wasn't for the good music and books that include Santa, we probably wouldn't do it at all, but I am a sucker for Twas the Night Before Christmas. Below is the response to this question from another blogger that I got this little question list from. I love, love, love her response!
We don't do Santa at our house. We want to be sure that we are telling our kids the truth and that we are celebrating the real reason for the season. If our children are to believe in a man that they cannot see, I want it to be Jesus! However, we told our daughter that people like to "pretend" about Santa at Christmastime and she said she wants to pretend, too. Pretending is fun and that is fine with us! But the presents are from mommy and daddy. We get the credit for that!
Please no hating on me about Santa. It doesn't bother me at all that others do Santa stuff. My brother is almost a decade older than me, so I think that's partly why I was never that into Santa as a kid. Not to mention my mom is not a secret-keeper or much of a surprise-giver.
3. Colored lights or white? White. In fact, my mom gave us her old artificial tree this year (the first time I've ever had an artificial tree, terrible, I'm a real-tree girl all the way), anyway, it is pre-lit with colored lights. That will not do, so I put our white lights on it, and didn't plug in the pre-lit ones. Also, I really like putting the lights on because my dad always checked the lights. It makes me think of him. What can I say? Down with artificial trees!
4. Do you hang mistletoe? No, maybe when the children are older (isn't that stuff poisonous?)
5. When do you put your decorations up? Either the Friday or the weekend after Thanksgiving.
6. Favorite holiday dish? Sausage balls, macaroni and cheese "pie" (as my dad called it), deviled eggs!
7. Favorite childhood memory? Wrapping presents with my grandmother and the year my dad decided we were going to have a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.
8. When/how did you learn the truth about Santa? I think I just sort of figured it out (see #2 above).
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? As a child, I could open one gift on Christmas Eve. Now, we open gifts with my mom on Christmas Eve. This year, I am going to let the boys open one (their matching red Thomas pajamas, so they can have them on for Christmas morning pictures!)
10. How do you decorate the tree? I am a bit of a tree hog (maybe not as bad as Kate). See #3 for the light situation. I put on the lights, then unwrap and unbox the ornaments and hang those, and I have the star we used at my dad's house. I let H help hang some of his ornaments (several John Deere/tractor ones).
11. Snow. Love it or dread it? Love it, usually.
12. Can you ice skate? Yes, the last time I tried, and that was a looong time ago.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? It might be this year's, check back after Christmas :) But a favorite from the past was all of Jane Austen's completed novels in hardback!
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays to you? Being with my family, doing things that will give my children good memories, and making sure my children know the real reason for celebrating.
15. Favorite holiday dessert? My mom's Fresh Apple Cake.
16. Favorite Christmas Tradition? Going to Christmas Eve church services (haven't done that in a couple of years), watching A Charlie Brown Christmas with my boys, and before he passed away, hearing my dad say, "I hate Christmas, I hate Christmas, I. Hate. Christmas." What can I say, I'm a bit twisted.
17. What tops your tree? The gold-garlanded, color-lights star that was always on our tree at my dad's.
18. Do you prefer giving or receiving? I love giving to my kids, and who doesn't enjoy receiving?
19. Favorite Christmas song? "What Child is This"
20. Candy canes. Yum or yuck? I'll eat them, but they're not my favorite.
21. What do you want for Christmas? Can someone give the gift of sleep and/or more time?
22. Do you attend an annual Christmas party? No, seems a bit sad, but really, I'm probably glad.
23. Do you dress up for Christmas Eve or wear P.J.'s? We usually go to my mom's, but it's not dressy (but not pj casual either, I wish it was!)
24. Do you own a Santa hat? Yes, we wore them in parades when I was in band in high school. I wear it when I'm decorating the tree.
25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with? Christmas morning and lunch is reserved for just the four of us. Then, my mom and step-dad usually come over as well as my MIL later in the day.
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